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School is necessary to benefit our children and society as a whole.  We entrust teachers and school administrators to care for our children and help them grow with knowledge and as people.  When school employees neglect their duties and it results in harm to a child, Littlejohn Law takes the matter seriously.  It serves as an opportunity to help an innocent victim, as well as prevent such a result from re-occurring.

Andrew grew up in Greenwood and has school-age children in Columbia.  He understands that most teachers do wonders with the limited resources they are given.  Regardless, when those few teachers or administrators fail to protect our children, they must be held accountable.


No injury to your child is minor.  Here are the common school injuries we see in children:

  • broken bones

  • scratches and/or lacerations

  • strangulation, asphyxiation

  • sexual assault

  • head injuries, traumatic brain injuries

  • psychological injuries due to sexual assaults or other wrongful incidents

If you see any of these problems, or your child begins discussing problems at school, it is important to notify the school, the district, and potentially a counselor.  


Under South Carolina law, a school's liability is normally more restrictive than general negligence.  Additionally, a two-year statute of limitations exists for claims against governmental institutions like public schools.  Further, there is a cap on certain types of damages against these governmental entities.  Typical claims against schools fall within one of the following categories:

  • Negligent Supervision (of staff and/or students)

    • permitting bullying​

    • permitting a teacher to continually violate a child's rights

  • Negligent Hiring

    • hiring a sexual predator​

    • hiring an employee who has previous incidents at other schools

  • Negligent Retention

    • retaining an employee who violates school and legal rules

  • General Negligence​

  • Title IX Violations




Your kid means the world to you.  We understand that.  Give Andrew a call today so that we may respectfully and confidentially look into why your child was injured at school and determine the best course of action moving forward.  Hopefully, we can help achieve an outcome that makes your child whole and deters such conduct from occurring again.

2024 by Littlejohn Law LLC

We come to you!

P.O. Box 549

Blythewood, SC 29016

p. 803.764.4099

f. 803.974.4070


DISCLAIMER: This website's information is not legal advice.  Reviewing this website's information does not create an attorney-client relationship with Littlejohn Law LLC.  Any result Littlejohn Law LLC or Andrew Littlejohn Johnson, Esquire, may have achieved on behalf of clients in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients. 

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