Spring 2021 Newsletter
Littlejohn Law issues a quarterly newsletter (“Littlejohn Law’s The Brief”), updating our friends, former clients, and colleagues on happenings in our office and in law. Below is South Carolina personal injury attorney Andrew Littlejohn Johnson’s message from The Brief (Spring 2021).
A Message from Andrew
After spending more time with my family over the holiday season, I want to reflect on what my family means to me. There are times I am working, helping clients, and I have to take a step back to determine the end game: why are this case, this client, and the wrongs by this defendant so important? The bottom line is every person deserves justice when wronged, and everyone wants to be properly cared for.
Relating this to my home life, my kids want to know that I am there for them, in the good and the bad. If my five-year-old son is having a hard time sleeping, he wants me to lie down next to him. If he makes a catch in t-ball, he looks for the recognition (and, of course, a fist bump). If my four-year-old daughter needs help determining which paint colors to mix to make light purple, she wants me there for her. If she fixes her own breakfast, she looks for my accolade. My response to them is the care they are looking for.
Similarly, when a client becomes part of our work family, we properly care for them. I hope you will never need our representation; however, if you do need us, we are here for you.
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