Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
It's important to know what is going on with your loved one when they are in a third-party's care, such as a South Carolina nursing home or assisted living facility. We understand you may be the only voice for your loved one; you could potentially be the last line of defense in keeping them from being abused or neglected. Attorney Andrew Littlejohn Johnson explains below what warning signs to look for related to potential nursing home neglect or elder abuse.
General Red Flags
Facility refuses to allow you to visit
Unexplained trips to the hospital
Withholding of medical records
Loved one requesting financial aid
Facility is dirty and unorganized
Unsafe living conditions (e.g., temperature, wiring exposed, no lighting, lack of precautions)
Soiled sheets or clothing
Staff is absent
Staff is rude or off-putting to you when you visit
Untrained or understaffed employees
Frequent unexplained illnesses
Emotional Abuse
Family member refuses to talk about the facility with you
Family member refuses to acknowledge or look at the caregiver
Family member exhibits symptoms comparable to dementia
Family member regresses in mental capacity without explanation or diagnosis
Random crying by family member
Physical Abuse
Visible bruising or scars
Broken bones
Restraint signs (typically around wrists and ankles)
Failing to be on medication
Rapid weight loss or weight gain
Bed sores/pressure sores/ulcers
Poor hygiene
Withdrawn, non-communicative, quick to temper
Unexplained injuries
Sexual Abuse
Bloody underwear
Torn clothing
Bruising around breasts or genitals
Previously undiagnosed STDs
Genital infections
Genital or anal bleeding
Catching Abuse and Neglect Too Late

If you have found yourself in a position where your loved one died unexpectedly in a nursing home, it's important to determine whether any wrongful conduct led to the death. In these situations, look for the above-listed criteria, the autopsy report, unexplained hospital visits, prior similar instances at the hospital, and specific EMS, hospital, and facility records.
If you do not know how to properly request these records, it may be helpful to reach out to us. Also, if there is a wrongful death claim or survivor claim for your loved one, Andrew can help direct you in this regard. If you just don't know what to do, give us a call. We are here to help you find answers. Our consultation and research costs you nothing and is confidential.
South Carolina Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Attorney
If you have seen some signs that your family member was abused or neglected by nursing home staff, be sure to protect the individual first. Once you can ensure their safety, if you have any questions or wish to know more about your legal rights, give attorney Andrew Littlejohn Johnson a call: 803-764-4099.
We have handled these types of cases before, and each one deserves the care and attention that your loved one required at the facility. We will look into all relevant medical records, determine whether the facility was understaffed, determine if the employees were competent and trained properly, and find out what led to the injury to (or death of) your loved one.