Contact Us
Littlejohn Law prides itself on helping people, and this includes answering your questions in a timely and efficient manner. Calling our office is the quickest form of communication, and Andrew strives to immediately speak with every person who calls in: we understand not all questions can wait. Alternatively, feel free to email Andrew or fill out the contact form below. You can also directly request copies of our informative newsletters.
Connecting with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is a good way to stay up-to-date with us as well.
Contact Information
We come to you!
P.O. Box 549
Blythewood, SC 29016
p. 803.764.4099
f. 803.974.4070
Hours of Operation
M-F: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Contact Form
Please enter your contact information and a brief description of your situation. An attorney client relationship is not established by submitting this initial contact information to our office.